External API

Celus offers a simple API to access the usage data stored in the system. The API uses an authorization mechanism independent of the Celus web interface which is based on API keys. The API key is always connected to one organization and can be used to access all data of this organization.

API Keys

Generating API keys

To generate an API key, you need to access the Django admin interface, so you need a high enough access level. Then, go to the “API / API keys” section (not the “API key permissions” section) and click on “Add API key” in the upper right corner. You will be asked to enter a name for the key and to select the organization for which the key should be valid.


If you want, you can also select an expiration date for the key. If you do not select an expiration date, the key will never expire. (If you want to revoke the key, you can simply delete it in the Django admin interface or mark it as revoked.)

Immediately after creating the key, you will be shown the key. This is the only time you will see the key, so be careful not to leave the page before copying it. If you lose the key, you will have to create a new one.

The key will be shown in the upper left corner of the page on yellow background.


After creating the key, you can also see the key in the list of keys. You will see its prefix, but not the full key.

Warning: Store the key in a safe place as it can be used to get all the usage data for the selected organization. At present, the API allows read-only access to the data, so the security consequences are not that severe. However, this may change in the future.

Using the API keys

The external API is a REST API which uses JSON as the data format. When making a request, you need to set the Authorization header to the value “Api-Key YOUR_FULL_KEY” on every request. The path for each API endpoint is described below.

API endpoints


Path: /api/platforms/

This endpoint returns a list of all platforms which are available in this particular Celus instance. The records look like this:

    "pk": 1,
    "ext_id": 92,
    "short_name": "AAAS",
    "name": "AAAS/Science",
    "provider": "AAAS",
    "url": "http://ScienceOnline.org",
    "counter_registry_id": "38b08a9f-4828-4ab8-82ff-38c6cffcc434"
    "pk": 68,
    "ext_id": 93,
    "short_name": "AACN",
    "name": "AACN Advanced Critical Care",
    "provider": "AACN",
    "url": "https://aacnjournals.org/",
    "counter_registry_id": "3d22837e-2033-4fa3-9a89-4e8cad078fc9"
    "pk": 70,
    "ext_id": 95,
    "short_name": "AAP",
    "name": "AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics",
    "provider": "AAP",
    "url": "https://www.aap.org/",
    "counter_registry_id": "f5767601-0438-476a-9c42-1a5848918962"

This endpoint does not require any parameters.

This endpoint is useful for getting the IDs of platforms to be used in other API endpoints. The IDs are the pk values in the JSON records.

Report data

Path: /api/platform/{platform_id}/report/{report_code}


  • platform_id: The ID of the platform for which the report should be generated. This is the pk value of the platform record in the JSON returned by the /api/platforms/ endpoint.

  • report_code: The code of the report to be generated. The values correspond to the COUNTER specification, e.g. JR1 for the Journal Report 1, or TR for the Title Master Report in COUNTER 5.

The API endpoint also uses the following parameters:

  • month: The month for which the report should be generated. The value must be a string in the format YYYY-MM. This parameter is required.

  • dims: A list of dimensions which should be included in the output data delimited by |. The values correspond to the COUNTER specification, e.g. Platform or Publisher. This parameter is required, but its value may be empty. In such case no dimensions will be included in the output data.

The API endpoint returns a JSON object with the following structure:

  "records": [
      "hits": 7,
      "metric": "No_License",
      "title": "Cell",
      "isbn": "",
      "issn": "0092-8674",
      "eissn": "1097-4172",
      "doi": ""
      "hits": 46,
      "metric": "Total_Item_Investigations",
      "title": "Cell",
      "isbn": "",
      "issn": "0092-8674",
      "eissn": "1097-4172",
      "doi": ""
  "status": "OK",
  "complete_data": true

If some dimensions are requested, the individual records will contain the values for these dimensions:

  "records": [
      "hits": 3,
      "metric": "No_License",
      "Access_Type": "Controlled",
      "Data_Type": "Journal",
      "title": "Cell",
      "isbn": "",
      "issn": "0092-8674",
      "eissn": "1097-4172",
      "doi": ""
      "hits": 3,
      "metric": "No_License",
      "Access_Type": "OA_Gold",
      "Data_Type": "Journal",
      "title": "Cell",
      "isbn": "",
      "issn": "0092-8674",
      "eissn": "1097-4172",
      "doi": ""
  "status": "OK",
  "complete_data": true

As you can see from the examples above, the usage is reported by individual titles and broken down by metric. If any dimensions are requested, the usage is also broken down by the values of these dimensions. Any dimension which is not requested will not be included in the output data and the usage value in the hits field will be aggregated for all values of that dimension.

Please note that the response of this endpoint may be quite large and may take some time to generate. In order not to overload the server, you should not make more than one request at the same time.

The complete_data field indicates whether the data returned by the API endpoint is complete. If the data is not complete, the status field will contain a message explaining why the data is not complete. One possible reason is that there is no data for the requested report. In such case, Celus will return a reply similar to this:

  "records": [],
  "status": "SUSHI credentials not present for this report",
  "complete_data": false

Also, the data may not be present for the month for which the report is generated. In such case, Celus will return a reply similar to this:

  "records": [],
  "status": "Data not yet harvested",
  "complete_data": false